There is NO CAMRA South West London Battersea Beer Festival in 2017
BAC Grand Hall balcony end - 14 March 2015, the day after the fire (photo: @Londonfire).
Following the major fire at the Battersea Arts Centre on Friday 13th March 2015 there is NO CAMRA South West London Battersea Beer Festival in 2016 at this venue.
Fortunately there were no casualties however the halls at Battersea Arts Centre will not be available for the forseeable future.
The current plans envisage the new Grand Hall opening in the Autumn of 2018 - see latest news on the Home Page.
We hope to be back for future festivals but this won't be before 2019 once the rebuilding is completed in late 2018.
In the meantime we hosted the 1st Wandle Beer Festival on 15th & 16th September 2016. This was at a new beer festival venue, Tooting & Mitcham Utd F.C.'s KNK Community Stadium, Imperial Fields, Beresford Road SM4 6BF.
Everyone who attended enjoyed themseves and a good selection of real ales, ciders and perries was available.
CAMRA South West London is hoping to hold a second festival at this venue in 2017.
Chesck the main CAMRAswl website for details: